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APRIL 9, 2008

Members Present: Al Berg, Peter Lacy, Rick Bates, Maria Dell'Ovo, Glenn Gaudette, Bob Ripley, Marilynn Foley

Members Absent: Paul Challenger, Jim Dunn

Also Present: Brian Bullock, Town Manager, Jacquie Kelly, Assistant Town Manager, Lori Rose, Town Accountant, Larry Galkowski, DPW Director, Randy Swigor, W/S Superintendent, Selectmen: Jim Jumonville, Dave White, Joe Sullivan, Kim Ferguson, Ken O'Brien

The meeting was called to order at 7:00.

Lori explained the Xtra Quarter MDC sewer transportation payment in F/Y08 budget and had handouts for the Committee.

Larry and Randy discussed the W/S budget and answered questions submitted by the Committee. Larry will get additional information on some of the budget numbers for the Committee. Larry also had handouts for the Committee.

A motion by Peter 2nd by Bob to accept the minutes of April 2, 2008 as amended was voted unanimously (abstained Rick).

Al gave an update on the Regional Selectmen/Finance Committee representatives meeting of the 5 towns. The discussion concerned the WRSD Budget and the affordability for 3 of the towns. The next meeting is April 10.

A motion by Glenn 2nd by Maria that the Holden Finance Committee does not support a $1.3 million reduction of the currently approved F/Y 09 WRSD budget assessment was voted unanimously. Al will convey that vote at the Regional meeting.

A motion by Al 2nd by Peter that the Holden Finance Committee would support a $1 million reduction from the currently approved F/Y 09 WRSD assessment was voted unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 9:55.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Secretary